We have a re-opening date!!! We are set to re-open on July 6th for summer care. There will be new policies and procedures that will be updated shortly. We are really excited to see all the children again. If you need to contact us, please email info@sokokids.ca
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Click to edit text. What do visitors to your website need to know about you and your business?
We are licensed for 56 children, so at any given time there may be up to 56 kids here. During Kindergarten afternoons, we aim to have 12 students with 2 staff members.
Yes! We are open for 6 weeks during the summer and run full day camps. We conveniently register on a week by week basis. Please note that we are closed this summer from August 4th - 22nd for staff holidays.
Yes! We are approved for Alberta Government Child Care Subsidy. You will need to apply at http://www.alberta.ca/child-care-subsidy.aspx
Kindergarten Students receive the government funded Affordability Grant. No need to apply.
We hold our annual registration days in February and March, however, you will still be able to register after these dates. Please call or email us to inquire. There is an annual $50 registration fee and we also require post dated cheques for months of care.
Registration 2025!
Kindergarten: Registration Draw is February 4th (5:00pm)- please call or email to be added to the draw.
Grade 1 - 6: We will not be drawing as we are already full. Please call or email to be added to the waitlist.
We give priority to siblings of children already in the program. There will be a draw for any remaining spaces on the registration dates.
Summer: We will open summer registration to the public on March 15th. Come in to get a registration form and pick your weeks anytime on or after the 15th.